Church Committees

This page discusses the various church committees and what they do. To communicate with Board Elders or Committee Members, please contact the office for current information.


Table of Contents

Christian Development

Provides opportunities for Christian growth for adults, youth, and children. They oversee baptism and confirmation; provide linkage with Camp Shagabec and Canyon Church Camp, Bible studies, the Sunday School, and Youth work.

Finance & Stewardship

Reports monthly Financial Statements and advises the Church Board as to the financial objectives and prepares the Annual Budget. They are to insure a just proportion between monies spent on local needs and for Mission Outreach. They will promote and cultivate a sense of Christian Stewardship among all the members.

Ministry & Personnel

Supports the ministers and other church staff and helps to maintain good relations between them. They maintain clear guidelines regarding responsibilities of the staff. They are concerned with salaries, travel allowances, working conditions and all other employment practices with respect to the staff. They also serve in a “liaison” role for the congregation to help nurture continuing open communication between staff/congregation and congregation/staff.

Mission & Outreach

Consists of volunteers who are responsible to the Church Board. We coordinate the global justice education in the congregation, promote the work of our Mission & Service Fund and the need for financial support for outreach, collect non-perishable food for the Food Bank to give to those less fortunate and support the Neighborhood Kitchen.

Music & Worship

In conjunction with the ministers, is responsible for oversight of worship, order of morning and evening services, the sacraments of Baptism and Communion and the use of the sanctuary. Their duties include the coordination of special services, of hymn singing, music, ushering, greeting, and coffee hour hosts, and arrange for organ and pulpit supply and operators for the PA system.


Has the responsibility for the care and maintenance of all the church property including the rental property (a responsibility shared with the property trustees).


The property owned by a United Church Congregation is held in trust and administered by the Trustees. The Trustees also review the insurance on such property.

Pastoral Care

Oversees the roll of the Church, the record of children and adherents, the register of baptisms, marriages, and burials. They show concern for the spiritual health and well-being for every person for whom the congregation has responsibility through a visiting program. (Commune-I-Care is linked to, but not part of Visitation & Membership).